What is Lençóis Maranhenses National Park? A detailed explanation of its appeal as a World Heritage Site
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park to become a World Heritage Site in 2024
Cultural Landscape of Al-Faw Archaeological Area
Overview of the Cultural Landscape of Al-Faw Archaeological Area and its Inscription on the World Heritage List…
A thorough explanation of the cultural landscape of Lake Kenozero! Why it was registered as a World Heritage Site and what its cultural value is
Why the Kenozero Lake Cultural Landscape was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2024...
Vjetrenica Cave in Lavno: its natural beauty and biodiversity
The Vetrenitsa Cave in Lavno will be opened in 2024 with its magnificent natural beauty and…
What is the Old City of Gedi and its archaeological site? The history of the site and its value as a World Heritage Site
A detailed introduction to the old city of Gedi and its archaeological site. Historical background, unique…
What is Hagmatana (Ecbatana)? Why was it registered as a World Heritage Site and what is its historical value?
For those who want to know about Hagmatana and why it was registered as a World Heritage Site.
What is Phu Phra Bhat? The tradition of Sema stones from the Dvaravati period and why it was inscribed as a World Heritage Site
If you would like to know more about Phu Phra Bat and its historical value...
What is the Royal Palace of Tiébet? Its value as a World Heritage Site and reasons for its registration
The Royal Palace of Tiébéré is a 1-storey building in the village of Tiébéré in southern Burkina Faso. It is…
What is Umm al-Jimar? An analysis of its historical value and the reasons for its inscription on the World Heritage List
Umm al-Jimar is a historic rural settlement in northern Jordan…