
Following Lençóis Maranhenses National Park's inclusion in the World Heritage List in 2024, this article is for those who want to know the overview of the park and its value as a World Heritage Site. It provides detailed information about the unique landscape of vast white sand dunes and beautiful lagoons, its geological features, and conservation and management efforts.

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park

Location and size

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is located on the east coast of the state of Maranhão, in northeastern Brazil. This vast national park covers an area of 156,562 hectares, including approximately 90,000 hectares of vast white sand dunes and temporary and permanent lagoons. The park stretches for 80 kilometres along the Maranhão coastline, and the dunes extend inland for more than 20 kilometres.

Geographical Features

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is an area with unique geographical features. The main feature of the park is the vast white sand dunes that have formed along the coastline. The dunes are formed from marine deposits and shaped by the action of the wind. They appear as balcanic dunes of various heights, ranging from 50 centimetres to 1 metre near the coast to up to 30 metres inland. This dune field is dotted with temporary and permanent lagoons that form between the dunes and which fill with water during the rainy season, creating a beautiful landscape.

Climate and Seasonal Variations

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park has a tropical semi-humid climate, with a rainy season in the first half of the year. During the wet season, there is a lot of rainfall, which causes lagoons to form between the dunes. These lagoons are filled only by rainwater, and their shape and position change with each season. During the dry season, the lagoons dry out and the dunes begin to move again due to the wind. This seasonal variation brings about constant changes in the landscape of the dune fields and lagoons, making each visit different.

Major natural landscapes

The main natural features of Lençóis Maranhenses National Park are its vast sand dunes and beautiful lagoons. The white sand dunes look like an ocean of sand, and in the rainy season they are dotted with blue and green lagoons, creating a spectacular contrast. These lagoons are both temporary and permanent, each with its own unique shape and color. The park also has a variety of ecosystems, including mangroves, coastal broadleaf forests and tropical rivers, supporting a rich biodiversity. These natural landscapes allow visitors to appreciate the beauty and wonder of Brazil's natural world.

History of Lençóis Maranhenses National Park

Background of the establishment

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park was officially established by the Brazilian government in 1981. Behind its establishment was a strong will to protect the region's unique topography and natural environment and to use it sustainably. In particular, the landscape of the white sand dunes and beautiful lagoons has great potential as a tourist resource, and it was necessary to strike a balance between nature conservation and economic development. In addition, the region is home to a diverse ecosystem and rich biodiversity, and it was considered important to protect these.

Overview of legal protection

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park was designated a national park under a 1981 decree and is part of Brazil's National System of Protected Areas (SNUC). Under SNUC, the park is managed as a "total reserve" that allows only indirect use of natural resources. This includes tourism and educational activities, but development and resource extraction are strictly restricted. In addition, the Wilderness Law provides for the protection of environmentally sensitive areas such as river banks, springs, and hilltops, strengthening the protection of areas in and around the park. This safeguards the park's natural landscape and ecosystem.

Relationship with the local community

There are traditional communities that have been living within Lençóis Maranhenses National Park since the park was established. These communities make a living through local agriculture, fishing, and livestock farming, and with the development of tourism, they have gained new sources of income, such as homestays and restaurant management. The Brazilian government respects the lives and culture of these communities, and a "Memorandum of Understanding" has been signed between ICMBio and the communities. This Memorandum of Understanding provides a framework for reconciling traditional ways of life with the protection of the ecosystem. Community members play an important role in the management of the park, and are involved in decision-making through the Park Council.

Recent developments and changes to the management plan

Since its creation, Lençóis Maranhenses National Park has continually reviewed and updated its management plan. The first management plan was developed in 2003, and the latest update was made in 2022. This update includes new strategies and zoning to balance the protection and use of the park. For example, zones such as "primitive zones" and "extensive use zones" have been created, with detailed definitions of activities in each zone.

A public use plan has also been developed to promote sustainable tourism while protecting the ecosystem. This includes improving signage of official routes and hiring additional staff to better police illegal activities. ICMBio is also strengthening collaboration with local communities and introducing new governance mechanisms to support sustainable development. This has made Lençóis Maranhenses National Park a model case for balancing nature conservation and community development.

Why Lençóis Maranhenses National Park was declared a World Heritage Site

Aesthetic value and uniqueness of natural landscapes

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is known for its vast expanses of white sand dunes and their beautiful combination of temporary and permanent lagoons. The dunes are shaped by the action of the wind and the lagoons fill with rainwater during the rainy season, creating a dynamic landscape that changes with the seasons. This unique natural phenomenon has a unique beauty that cannot be found anywhere else.

Geological and geomorphological features

The park's sand dunes are made up of marine deposits formed during the Quaternary period and are considered the largest sand dune field in South America. The process of the formation of the dunes and lagoons is considered a remarkable testimony of geological evolution. These geological and geomorphological features are also of great importance from a scientific point of view.

Enhanced protection and management

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park has been managed under strict legal protection since it was designated a national park in 1981. It places great emphasis on collaboration with local communities, respecting their way of life and promoting sustainable tourism and environmental conservation practices, which effectively safeguard the park's natural resources and ecosystems.


Lençóis Maranhenses National Park was declared a World Heritage Site in 2024 due to its beautiful sand dunes and lagoons, as well as its unique geological features. This article provides an overview of the park, its value as a World Heritage Site, and details on its conservation and management efforts, so you can understand the importance of this precious natural heritage.

By Ito

Graduated from the Faculty of Letters at Keio University. During his time at university, he majored in Western history and wrote his graduation thesis on the issue of racial discrimination in America in the 20th century. He will obtain the World Heritage Examination Level 1 in 2021 and the Art Examination Level 2 in 2024. While serving as CTO of a startup company, he also promotes World Heritage sites through World Heritage Quest.
